What's the Deal?
September 10, 2012, 8:25am
Artist Submissions...What's the Deal?
"What's the Deal?" aims to provide artists, collectors, and art enthusiasts with an opportunity to hear the opinions and get tips from individuals that help run the art world. We have an amazing network of prominent art dealers and gallerists ready and willing to answer your questions. For this "What's the Deal?" post, Heather Taylor, Co-Owner of Taylor De Cordoba, answers a question about best practices for an artist's approach to submit works to a gallery. As always, we encourage you to share your opinion in the comments section.
August 23, 2012, 8:30am
Artists and their Message...What's the Deal?
"What's the Deal?" aims to provide artists, collectors, and art enthusiasts with an opportunity to hear the opinions of individuals that help run the art world. We have an amazing network of prominent art dealers and gallerists ready and willing to answer your questions. For this "What's the Deal?" post, Scott Zieher, of ZieherSmith, answers a question about an artist's ability to articulate the message behind their work. As always, we encourage you to share your opinion in the comments section.
August 08, 2012, 7:25am
Market Promise in Emerging Painters...What's the Deal?
"What's the Deal?" aims to provide artists, collectors, and art enthusiasts with an opportunity to hear the opinions of individuals that help run the art world. We have an amazing network of prominent art dealers and gallerists ready and willing to answer your questions. For our first "What's the Deal?" post, Heather Marx, Co-Owner, Marx & Zavattero, answers a question about identifying market promise in emerging painters. As always, we encourage you to share your opinion in the comments section.
July 06, 2012, 10:44am
What's the Deal? Art Dealers Answer Your Questions...
Soon we are going to introduce a new featured column on our blog called, "What's the Deal?" New American Paintings is inviting prominent art dealers and gallerists to answer your questions about the art world. Whether you're an an artist, aspiring collector, or gallery regular, if you have a question, now is your chance to finally have it answered by someone that makes dealing art their business. Anything goes! This is not an advice column, rather an opportunity to hear it straight from individuals that help run the art world. So, submit your question! If we use it on the blog, you will receive a free issue of New American Paintings!
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