
March 15, 2019, 4:37pm

Personal Stars: Maia Cruz Palileo at Monique Meloche Gallery

She has finally come, born across centuries and oceans and the yawning gaps of the pied world hewn for us and by us from the flesh and bone of the Earth, across the ragged expanse—flesh hanging like foliage, necrotic, mycological and un-healing as the hearts of men (men especially, here, not “men” as the priapic stand-in for all humankind, which is a fucked up way to think and really truly indicative of the kind of men we are being dealt with here, men who happen upon a glorious verdant chain drawn across the vicious expanse which hides in it the horrors of our world, the planet's calid sacred heart, the shifting red, the immolating ring born on the Jovian finger of the true ruler who we have betrayed, just like we're betraying each other, or more specifically in this case these men are betraying each other), the men whose claret-caked hands have driven the bayonet, twist the aperture far beyond the fibrin, wipe clean the entrails and drive forward again—and she has freed, has excised, has extricated the men's targets, with a deific scalpel, debridement as deliverance, from the burdens of white men, from the alien words which fall hard, knocking teeth over like tombstones—cultural vandalism!, vandalism-cum-conquest, petty and political, in the sense of all structures being re-sorted, the scaffold a literal skeleton—as they drop like a bird kill; has cut them free of the white cloth which is the funeral veil of their own humanity, the very backdrop to the cruel slavery of scare quote science before which they pose dead on and in profile, the twin portraits of prisoners and objects, and placed them instead in the tabula rasa of a sympathetic and empathetic framer …

August 18, 2018, 2:54pm

NAP Artist on View: Heidi Hanh and Vera Iliatova

New American Paintings alum Heidi Hanh (cover artist Northeast #134) and Vera Iliatova (Northeast #86) on view at Monya Rowe Gallery.  

Something Lush and Hot, Drippy
August 9 - August 31, 2018

For more information please visit:

Monya Rowe Gallery
224 West 30th Street, #1005
New York, NY 10001
646 234 8645

Heidi Hahn
The Point of Nothingness and Caring is Besides That #1
oil on canvas
18 x 18 inches

photo courtesy of Monya Rowe Gallery


Listed under: NAP Artists on View

July 14, 2018, 3:30pm

NAP Artist on View: Anthony Iacono, Allison Schulnik, and Michael Stamm

New American Paintings alumni, Anthony Iacono (MFA issue #129 cover artist)  Allison Schulnik (Pacific Coast #79 and #55), and Michael Stamm (Northeast issue #128) are all featured in Rose Is A Rose Is A Rose Is A Rose, curated by Nikki Maloof and Louis Fratino at Jack Hanley Gallery. 

Rose Is A Rose Is A Rose Is A Rose 
June 28 - August 3, 2018

For more information please visit:

Jack Hanley Gallery
327 Broome Street
New York, NY 10002
646 918 6824

installation view: Rose Is A Rose Is A Rose Is A Rose, Jack Hanley Gallery, New York, NY, June 28 - August 3, 2018
photo courtest of Jack Hanley Gallery


Listed under: NAP Artists on View

July 13, 2018, 4:20pm

Cosmic Traffic Jam: Zevitas Marcus

Cosmic Traffic Jam features: Laylah Ali (Northeast #26 cover artist), John Bankston (Pacific Coast #55 and #109 cover artist), Jarvis Boyland (Midwest #137), Ashley Doggett, Mark Thomas Gibson, Kenyatta A.C. Hinkle, Alex Jackson (Midwest #119 cover artist), Tomashi Jackson (Northeast #134), Clotilde Jiménez (Midwest #125), Yashua Klos, David Leggett (Midwest #131 cover artist), Steve Locke (Northeast #86), Lamar Peterson, Umar Rashid (Pacific Coast #73), Kenny Rivero, Jordan Seaberry, Gerald Sheffield, Devan Shimoyama (MFA #105 cover artist and Northeast #116), Alexandria Smith (Northeast #134) and Brittney Leeanne Williams.

On View: July 7 – August 25, 2018

For more information please visit:

Zevitas Marcus
2754 S. La Cienega Blvd.
Suite B Los Angeles, CA 90034
424 298 8088

Brittney Leeanne Williams
oil and acrylic on canvas
40 x 60 inches

photo courtesy of the artist 

Listed under: Must-See, NAP Artists on View

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