Katelyn Farstad

It cracked a hair’s width; tiny beams of optimism poured through and hit the floor on my side of things, reflecting off a mirror and refracting stoppage in my eyes. I sustained no permanent injuries when trouncing this wall, in fact the medial blow to the mind made my sweeping and instantaneous actions to follow seem like taking out the trash. Then I took out the trash. Staring at the object, I realized that it is and can only be what it is if I continue to do just that. Do not look away. Fight every urge to stop looking. Hold your breath, and see how long it takes to remember to breathe.

Jay Hendrick

I am interested in interweaving polarities through the juxtaposition of grids and semi-grids, using techniques that include hybridization, transparency, erasure, effortless gesture, and iteration/reiteration. My hope is that these techniques cause forms to collude and collide to form ambiguous hierarchies. The polarities bring belief systems into conflict, resulting in uncertainty. If I make a claim, it seems that I must, within the same breath, counter that claim. I play devil’s advocate, both with others’ claims and, especially, my own.

Toy One

Kirsten Tradowsky

Taravat Talepasand

Serena Perrone

Andrea Myers

Carson Murdach

Jeremy Melton
