Alan Siggers

These are improvisational tunes, no not exactly blues but, flip flop, explore. Skip, start, run, guided by impulse, aided with a kind of intellect to be decisive. Finding means possibilities, excitation is easy when forced with a sensibility to arrange. But, change comes with pleasure, if needed, no need to measure, why? Predetermination. Sometimes redirected by thoughtfulness, well, wait— forget-fulness, yes thoughtful and déjà vu. Stimulate, deviate use a recoil switch, gonna match it, gotta play along with it, this is this thing.

Lauren Satlowski

The psychedelic imagery prevalent in Lauren Satlowski’s paintings is the result of both an earnest desire for transcendence and a self-aware puppet show. Satlowski constructs an identity and an environment that allow the subject to exceed its mass-produced origin, becoming iconic and singular. In this process, the familiar object becomes host to the unknown.

Luis Sahagun

My passion lies in creating paintings, sculptures, and objects out of repurposed street rubble, such as cardboard, concrete, metal, and wood. I replace the traditional tools of paintbrushes and palette knives with reciprocal and circular saws. My objective is to use destruction/demolition as a vehicle to make a unique artistic mark.

Lindsey Rudolph

Following a systematic and conceptual practice, i explore my own contemporary, quotidian existence. spanning various media, my work counteracts the expedited sociocultural experience and the notion of “shrinking time” through acts of translation. I gather inspiration from social media, advertising, and popular culture. the work is an investigation of the quickness of “the everyday” and the consequences of being constantly inundated by images, text, and sound. i choose a labor-intensive, detail-oriented process as a direct reaction against this daily experience.

Brian Prugh

I make my tulle works by attaching layers of cut fabric to a wooden frame; each layer is separated by a thin strip of wood. The weave structure creates interference (moiré) patterns. These patterns change as the viewer changes position, resulting in a kind of moving image. Under directional lighting, the tulle casts a shadow barely distinguishable from the material itself, which doubles the forms in the work, suggesting depth when it is seen from a distance.

Ashely Peifer

My paintings feature bright candy colors, personal memories, and a delight in material exploration. The paintings are somewhat mischievous and rambling, like the diary of a preteen, and I view them individually as memory objects. They exist as a momentary autobiographical marker in space–time, each casting a spell to transmute a mental reality into physical form. My imagery is culled from fun pop culture of the ’90s, yet is abstracted and layered. I use puffy paint, glitter, and jarring Lisa Frank colors to playfully reference childhood and adolescent interests. The

Jeff Page

My work moves between painting, drawing, and collage. Exploring the limits of materials and their point of collapse, it embodies an ambiguous, transgressive energy that ultimately creates its own intelligence. My practice is hinged on experimentation, risktaking, and rebellious freedom.

Ross Normandin

Vinyl and stone; rubber and steel; high and low chroma. Each series relies on its constituent parts and associative installation techniques to nurture states of levity and weight. Visually distinct and operating within the confines of depiction of a living form and its absence, every work is focused on relationships between process, medium, and the transmutation of familiar objects and materials.

Christine Navin

Graphite is a medium in constant flux, occupying the liminal and the eternal. It is used not only for monochromatic grisaille studies but also as an elemental material in flat layers, as in relief sculpture; I utilize graphite in all my works, but they are not necessarily mere drawings.

Dan Lam

This body of work explores the space of tension between opposing forces. Inorganic mediums form organic shapes that accept a certain amount of guidance, but have the potential for independent action. Expressing a language of excess, the shapes are both attractive and repulsive: something that was once good has become too much.
