Revisiting NAP Issue #1
At the very least, our design teams have come a long way! The content, however, although receiving face-lifts every so often, has been the same. We have featured artists from all over the country in our magazine achieving greater exposure for their work. As it states in the first publisher's note, "...this publication can act as an open studio for artists across an entire region, whether they work in close proximity to other artists or work alone in the woods...This book represents the launching of a new idea in art publishing, a new opportunity for emerging artists, and a new market for collectors."
So, 100 issues later, we are still at it...Holding regional competitions and featuring the very best for you to enjoy. We thought it would be fun to share, on this occasion, our very first issue with you from 1993. After the jump you'll find various cover iterations since '93, and a few spreads of some artists you might recognize from issue #1.