NAP #100 Sneak Peek
In about two weeks the South issue of New American Paintings, our 100th, will be hitting newsstands around the country and arriving in the mailboxes of our subscribers. It is a special issue for us, as Steven Zevitas, Editor/Publisher, mentions in his Editor's Note. He describes the first issue and how it came to be, as well as the great accomplishments to date.
The juror for #100 was Michael Rooks, Wieland Family Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art, High Museum of Art, Atlanta, Georgia. He sums up the issue well by stating that, "These artists...have much to say, in a variety of voices and from differing vantage points that reflect the multiplicity of approaches and pluralistic nature of contemporary art. They represent a cross-section of what the South has to offer, and I congratulate them all."
A full list of participating artists, as well as a few more pictures of the issue, is after the jump!
To pre-order the issue for the newsstand rate of $20, please call 617-778-5265 x0. Better yet, subscribe today!
Southern Issue #100, Featured Artists:
Eleanor Aldrich
Kevin Arnold
Dawn Black
Enid Blechman
Michael Brodeur
Ron Buffington
Sonya Clark
Patrick DeGuira
Kate Demong
Sarah Emerson
Eric Finzi
Felipe P. Goncalves
Jeffrey Deane Hall
Cosme Herrera
Philip Hinge
Hedieh Javanshir Ilchi
Laura Judkis
Ron Laboray
Marie Lauer
Mark Martinez
Kevin Muente
Karen Ann Myers
Will Penny
Joseph Peragine
Christina Pettersson
Trisha Presnell
Seana Reilly
Charles Ritchie
Judith Rushin
Jennifer L. Schultz
Ben Steele
Brian Steele
Nora Sturges
Zachary Thornton
Christian Bradley West
Chase Westfall
Karla Wozniak
Mike Wsol
Caomin Xie
John Zoller