Enid Blechman

In Adipose Industries I have created a multimedia company whose main focus is the theoretical securing and repurposing of fat for home and personal use. I base my science on anecdotal evidence and on my innate inability to understand science or math. Recycling materials from manmade and natural sources, I assemble and manipulate objects that evolve, develop, and grow, often of their own accord. There are no formulas, no recipes, and no directions for rewiring, disassembling, and reconstruction. The only guidance is that there are no instructions for interpretation or use.

Benjamin David Steele

Impossible Objects is a series of oil paintings constructed to faithfully represent installations in my studio. The installations are composed of plaster, wood, mirrors, other optical instruments, and projected landscape imagery. I am interested in the feeling of infinity, which comes from images of idealized landscapes, contrasted with the shallow depth of the actual space represented.

Jeffrey Deane Hall

In my paintings, I explore the idea of remixed culture by creating “mash-ups” of art-historical references, genres, and techniques that operate as personal and social commentary. The visual combination of elements creates a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. These frenetic works are the chaos that is my life: loose strings of relationships, fragments of ideas, all barely held together by humble materials. The codes and anagrams hidden in my work add layers of inquiry about our beliefs and the fragile systems on which they rest.
