Lavar Munroe

My artistic goal is to explore, address, and re-narrate stereotypes assigned to impoverished people in the ghetto. My work refers to the notions of life, death, and the animal. I create a mythology that celebrates the state-of-being of poverty. Taking on the role of devil’s advocate, I combine negative stereotypes and misconceptions to create a personal mythology. I strive to uplift the status of the disadvantaged being through man-animal hybrids, artifacts, and constructed settings.

Aaron Koehn

Missy Engelhardt

Missy Engelhardt

In my work I use everyday materials to explore the formal qualities of abstract sculpture. I challenge the viewer to interact with these materials, which I transform into something new that has a spatial presence.

Chandler Wigton

Anna Valdez

Liz Trapp

Liz Trapp

This work comes out of a desire to capture a sense of urgency or energy on the canvas. I initially had no intention of cutting the canvas or making space explode. When I placed the first gesture on the canvas, I immediately felt the need to expose space in a way that couldn’t be achieved with paint and material alone. It had to be transformed into the physical. The gesture—cut, painted, constructed out of material—acts as a re-inscription of the abstract expressionist brushstroke.

Ian Swanson

Natalie Smith
