Lilian Garcia-Roig
Gallery Affiliations: Valley House Gallery, Carol Jazzar Contemporary Art
Region: South
City / State: Tallahassee, FL
My latest work features large-scale, multi-panel paintings, each
created on site over the course of an entire day. The intense
wet-on-wet cumulative process underscores the complexity of
capturing firsthand the multidimensional and ever-changing
experience I have at that specific location. Formally, the works are
as much about the materiality of the paint and the physicality of
the painting process as they are about reconciling the illusionist
possibilities of painting with its true abstract nature.
On a more personal level, I realize that I am drawn to wilderness
and dense landscape subjects out of a deep psychological need to
connect. As an immigrant, I attempt to negotiate the propositions
of “sense of place” and “belonging” that so influence the
construction of personal identity. I believe that my comfort with,
and aesthetic attraction to, a multifaceted and fluid postmodern
existence results from my biography. Cuban-born and Americanraised,
I have learned to see things from at least two culturally
distinct, and often opposing, perspectives.