Crystal Marshall
My work explores the use of narrative to evoke emotional connections that
reference aspects of existence. Through symbolism and allegory, I refer to
what lies beneath the surface. Using varying imagery of my choosing allows
me to explore imaginative realms that defy logic but are directly influenced by
my experiences. I also investigate different themes that affect people from
all walks of life, concerning trials and tribulations, which include hostility,
victimization, exclusion, oppression, exploitation, and withdrawal, which all
ties to spiritual rebirth.
Having had a nomadic experience has led me to create hybrid forms and
concepts, fusing both science and spirituality. I reference biblical imagery
to create fantasy dreamscapes, visually engaging storylines to intrigue the
viewer. My work mainly serves as a reflection and critique of societal norms.
I also paint the invisible internal and external forces that wage war against
the human psyche, showing this from the perspective of an unwanted female
presence. My intent is to orchestrate unpleasant experiences and create
dialogue through the manifestation of beautiful imagery.