Yoko Iwanaga
Region: South
My works are based on my memories of childhood. Sometimes I recalled images of these childhood memories. These images change every time, and become my own personal images that give me a mysterious feeling. I express these remembered images in my work using abstraction form. Most of these are in the ordinary scenery of nature.
My childhood world was a gathering of little pieces. Some of them were sunlight from the gaps between leaves; others were little plants on the side of road. This world consisted of the space around me to include seasons, weather and plants, but after I grew up that became a different world with a busy society. I feel there is a reason that I have recalled memories from my childhood because it must be a message from my inner life. I create this world by using pieces of these memories as well as present experiences.
I have manipulated images in my mind into the paintings. I layer the manipulated blurred images and clear images several times. I do not intend to describe everything. Some of those are clear, but some are blurred the way memories sometimes become.