Rakel Bernié
Region: South
{In Art there is only one thing that matters: what cannot be explained.}
– George Braque, NoteBooks, (1917-! 947) My work consists of constructed environments that result from attempts to conceptualize modes of production and activities that have traditionally been reserved for women and which have historically been categorized as craft. The processes of weaving, layering and sewing serve to piece together my history; leaving a trail of fragile constructions, that represent my search. The nest represents a place to hide and be protected. I use the processes of gathering and constructing to develop and communicate that objective. In this work I re-interpret the idea of a safe place. Each piece resembles an organic shape that I borrow from my natural surroundings. Birds appear in my work. I see birds as I see myself: fixed by heavy routines, unavoidable quirks, and repetition. Birds are forms that reflect my thoughts about a fragile and uncertain equilibrium. Bird forms are a visual language I use to translate my ideas, and are a symbolic attempt to transcend my limitations.
– George Braque, NoteBooks, (1917-! 947) My work consists of constructed environments that result from attempts to conceptualize modes of production and activities that have traditionally been reserved for women and which have historically been categorized as craft. The processes of weaving, layering and sewing serve to piece together my history; leaving a trail of fragile constructions, that represent my search. The nest represents a place to hide and be protected. I use the processes of gathering and constructing to develop and communicate that objective. In this work I re-interpret the idea of a safe place. Each piece resembles an organic shape that I borrow from my natural surroundings. Birds appear in my work. I see birds as I see myself: fixed by heavy routines, unavoidable quirks, and repetition. Birds are forms that reflect my thoughts about a fragile and uncertain equilibrium. Bird forms are a visual language I use to translate my ideas, and are a symbolic attempt to transcend my limitations.