Geoffrey Chadsey
Gallery Affiliations: Electric Works Gallery, James Harris Gallery
Region: Northeast
I draw fantasized photographs, a take on an original that is cross-bred with disparate sources to create images of androgynous, miscegenated, intergenerational fraternization. Hip-hop meets Google meets family album meets internet search engine. Source material comes from images "curated" from online dating sites, Google image searches under such words as "drunk", magazine portraiture, and a my personal photo archive. The drawings therefore are covers and mash-ups of casual snapshots, professional portraiture, celebrity framing, and erotic posing: people performing selves for the camera and the computer. What comes out is monstrous, a la Frankenstein: an unfamiliar from familiar sources, stitched together bodies out of gay and straight, family and friends, young and not so young, black and white, male and female... a netherworld (etherworld? ethernet? internet?) of stereotypically exclusive groups co-mingling to produce something either creepy or democratic.