Judith Simmons
Region: South
These one-frame, two-dimensional tragicomedies capture a moment in the inner world of individuals who are trying hard to make their way through the obstacles of their lives. I intend for the image and text to be full and equal partners in these vignettes of searching.
Even though we live in a time when hype and spectacle abound, much of lifeís true drama takes place under the surface, in the unspoken interior of our minds. We may play out the same drama with variations over much of our lives until, in this plodding way, one day we may find a way to move one small step forward. And the amazing part of it all is that the tension and strife involved in these internal dramas may go completely unnoticed even by those who are closest to us.
For this reason, I have chosen to present these stories in small scale, unadorned by color, and to make them further invisible through the use of tedious, hand-sewn embroidery, a lowly craft and one which is traditionally associated with women.