Autumn Wallace
I am a visual artist who works across media to create paintings and sculptures that examine human sexuality, gender, and the Black femme experience. Influenced by early ’90s cartoons, Byzantine aesthetics, all things Baroque, and what I describe as “low-quality adult materials,” my work generates a sense of fluidity whereby all subjects defy spatial, social, physical, emotional, and psychological boundaries, using the following set of rules:
Be shameless. Create situations so intimate the viewer becomes voyeur, and so awkward the audience becomes embarrassed. Magnify perverse, sinful, and taboo sociopolitical topics to displace spectators from complacency. Listen. Challenge the need for seriousness and socially acceptable behavior and create space for the viewer to decode mindsets ingrained in culture and language itself.
Be excessive. Craft uncomfortable situations with perspectives positioned to make viewers voyeurs or participants—no bystanders allowed. Be empathetic. Remember “double consciousness,” feel who we are and how others see us—augment it. Feel the discomfort so deeply that you can only approach it through unraveling the “normal” into strands of experience. Repeat.