Suzanne Wright
Much of my artwork has been inspired by the paradigm shift that has taken place since 9/11 and most recently Election Day 2016, which I call “the psychological 9/11.” Our struggles transform us into strong and more powerful versions of ourselves, and this ongoing series of paintings on linen use geometric metaphors that strive to connect with others and reposition our perspectives that rely on old habits, prejudices, and dominant powers. The transformation I am trying to discuss is on a micro/macro level, and represents a mirror I am turning on myself. My color decisions are personal and intuitive with an attempt to mirror the contradictions and complexities of the individual. Each painting has a different symbolic meaning and is meant to be inspiring, both visually and metaphysically. Art, activism, and collectives have profoundly shaped my understanding of the systemic nature of discrimination and oppression as well as the ways in which art can be a tactic of resistance and has the potential to change habitual perspective and consciousness.