Ariel Baldwin
My work is a documentation of what I want to say and what I’m afraid to admit. Through various experiences, I nd consistent heartbreaks. These paintings began as an aversion to pleasure— I did not recognize myself. They are reflections of abandonment that stare and blink back at me; it was a full-body itch I could not reach. Now, I am trying to catch up after losing my place. Now, it’s hard to look you in the eye after you’ve seen the work.
My practice exists within the evolution of lust to grief, and back again. Here are these paintings I made. They will make you feel a certain way. I’ll never know if we felt the same. We probably didn’t.
My practice exists within the evolution of lust to grief, and back again. Here are these paintings I made. They will make you feel a certain way. I’ll never know if we felt the same. We probably didn’t.