Allison Spence
I’m interested in what happens when one is confronted with a body
that doesn’t conform to our commonly held definitions. “Body” is
not limited to physical corporeality and can also refer to verbal
bodies or bodies of knowledge or ideology—all have weight, form,
and accepted anatomies. I’m interested in the potential within
indeterminate bodies.
Because of this interest, my work frequently branches into
different fields. This series juxtaposes transplantable organs and
the kudzu vine, a complicated, despised plant turned regional
symbol (also a transplant). Themes shared by these two motifs
include inside vs. outside, invasion vs. amalgamation, hybridity,
and identity. The subjects are reflected within the process; the
material body of the painting is created through painted plaster
sculptures that are scanned and then integrated as prints on the
fibers of a textile.
My goal is to create situations where previously delineated forms
are exposed as inherently malleable, where their identities are in
flux, and where our expectations of them are subverted: a body is
solid, until it isn’t.