Ken Craft
Region: West
For several years now, I’ve been combining easel painting with
comics-style storytelling. I had been painting a long time before
I introduced the comics element. All the while, though, I was
reading and looking at collections of classic comics and reading
a bunch of great contemporary stuff as well. The comics artists
were able to do what I wanted to do—tell stories and/or reflect on
certain subjects of interest. Once I began adding original comics
to my painting, I felt I had approached a new freedom that was very
exciting. I like being able to explore narrative through characters
who grapple with each other and with their own loves, hopes,
and fears. Through these characters, I might explore science and
nature, literature and philosophy, telling an occasional dopey
joke, and so much more. Then I try to bring it all together to make
a cohesive painting. The pairing of images is never random. The
painted image and the comics are always connected, whether
intellectually or emotionally.