Meredith Olinger
Region: MFA Annual
I work with wallpaper that I design and produce myself, both
digitally and by hand. I affix layers of wallpaper to a surface, rip
them away, and then collage them back on. My process is one of
digging and building, cutting and pasting. I continue until the piece
feels right. Sometimes it’s when it looks like an actual artifact,
a found wall. Or sometimes it’s the exact opposite, a completely
new thing.
I make patterns out of everything. I’ll scan to-do lists, repeat
images of old paintings, or use graphic design work from past
jobs. Nothing is off-limits. I also photograph my work while it is
in process, make a pattern out of it, and then place that back
into the work. I am interested in the possibilities of digital
representation, the mutual dependence of art and design, and
the elements of chance and control. I walk the line between
painting and installation, art and design, blurring and, ultimately,
eradicating these distinctions.