Delphine Hennelly
I am interested in the use of a pastel palette suggesting a playful
levity while subverting the trope of its gendered proclivity. Flower
garlands decorate but also act as a foil—to distract. Stones lock
the picture plane in place like paper weights. These motifs, along
with the colors I choose, formally build a ligature from which to
hang the image. Within this framework, repetition and decoration,
either masking or unmasking, offer a multiplicity of possible
interpretations. In her text titled “Patterns, Grids, and Painting,”
published in Artforum in 1975, Amy Goldin states: “Pattern
is basically antithetical to the iconic image, for the nature of
pattern implicitly denies the importance of singularity, purity,
and absolute precision.” I enjoy seeing how far I can subvert the
iconic, ridding it of a singular meaning.