Yue Li
Region: South
Yue Li studied arts management before her formal training
in studio art. Interested in addressing social issues through
community-based art projects, she hopes to use these projects
to discuss the issues facing artists in the twenty-first century,
topics such as consumerism and status, and the complex
relationship between these topics.
Li’s work explores issues of immigration, feminism, and poverty,
through themes of fear and obsession. She currently works with
reconstructed, recycled, or secondhand materials. Her recent
graduate thesis, “Visual Artists’ Development in the Washington
Metropolitan Area,” is based on primary research that included
a detailed survey of 130 local artists, with in-depth interviews.
She learned that it is nearly impossible for visual artists to live
off their work in D.C., because of issues of space, production
costs, living expenses, and marketing imperatives. All these
experiences have helped define her artistic interests, and
Li hopes to make art that challenges and redefines artist
spaces in D.C. by bringing her work into the community.