Melissa Leandro
Using process as metaphor, Melissa Leandro explores her
composite identity and misplaced memories by translating her
collages, photograms, and drawings into weaving and embroidery.
These fiber techniques slow down the active mark-making of
Leandro’s sketches, transforming them into a contemplative
reverie. In her jacquard woven pieces, Leandro creates a material
topology flattened into a single plane. A sequence of processes
creates abstracted imagery that speaks to ideas of translation
and our eroding memories. Similarly, through weaving and heatfusing
non-traditional materials, like plastic and vinyl, elements
are physically flattened into a unified textile. Using Ric Rac
ribbons and spongy rug stoppers, Leandro creates a hybrid object
composed of elements from the domestic environment that
complicate their intended utility and refuse to conform to the neat
grid of a woven structure.
Collaging both materials and processes, Leandro generates
imagery through drawing and composing objects, recording
their silhouettes with cyanotype, and weaving the soft bleed of
blue through a gradient of weave structures. Leandro’s dreamy
“weavescapes” depict the fuzzing and unraveling of remembered
–Natalie Spicker