Essi Zimm
My biological father, a religious fanatic, claimed to know the
truth. A woman’s value could be precisely calculated according
to metrics of surface: dress, speech, piety. My mother, a freespirited
German, claimed her own truth. Beyond surface, there
are things that dictate an individual’s fate: signs, symbols, omens.
Being raised in a bookstore, I was imbued with many truths from
the local haunts, and these countless stories became my axioms
growing up, and a prime focus to the folkloric work I re-create.
My art can be summed up as confessions of paper, a way to
visually communicate truths. Using paper and oil as my medium,
I focus on how collage conceals and conveys meaning. I begin a
piece by painting an abstract image, which I then cover with paper.
I peel the paper away so that I am left with a construction bearing
a nonlinear but viscerally personal connection to its origin. I will
finalize this with a painted face, so the story can commence.