John Fraser
Region: Midwest
I am primarily concerned with formal and material issues. While
my works are restrained and reductive in composition, value, and
color use, the additive and accumulative nature of my process
and the visible evidence of facture presents them as possible
carriers of meaning. Architectural references are suggested via
structure, geometry, shape, texture, and the forms themselves;
a builder’s logic is always employed. My work does not comment,
narrate, or declare, and with the materials I select, from varied
origins, the works perhaps exist simply as discrete artifacts of
my involvement.
The found material that I have responded to, and put into service,
connects my work to the physical changes and exchanges that
exist within our shared environment, while other materials,
primarily wood and paper, ground it in the natural world. My
work aspires to be timeless and to arrest a potential viewer for
an extended period of time. What remains for consideration is
incident and metaphor . . . One can be seen, the other is more
elusive . . .