Elizabeth King
Region: Northeast
City / State: Cambridge, MA
The paintings I make are shy. They know they need to be polite
and start the conversation by sharing a familiarity generated by
their carefully depicted atmosphere. Once engaged, however,
the inhabitants of these painted worlds are not quick to reveal
much more about what they are doing or why they are being
documented. This leads to an interesting dilemma for a bashful
painting. The first impression of their colorful personalities is so
relatable and enticing that usually they are asked to share more
about the ambiguous story they are telling.
As the only outside insider to these worlds, I am aware of just how
much these narratives have to offer. I use a considerable amount
of restraint not to share everything I know. Being told everything is
far less interesting or informative than experiencing it for oneself.
The balance between what is disclosed and what is hidden gives
my paintings the ability and courage to tell their stories when they
are seen without me.