Sara Willadsen

Region: Midwest


City / State: Sheboygan, WI

I make pictures that satisfy my curiosity in aesthetics and found materials. Combining these articles with reappropriations of my own work allows me to employ past patterns and marks as prompts for new structures and environments. The aggressive process used to construct these secretive spaces is kept in balance with the consciousness of knowing when to stop. By using site-specific components––laser-cut paper and collage elements made with acrylic paint, ink, and tissue paper––each piece delves further into an introspective setting influenced by my immediate surroundings and is a means to process and cope with external forces. While working, I shift from piece to piece at a frenetic pace, adding paper, paint, or other materials to create unity or break up a space. Every work is an act of expression: a quick burst of energy that ultimately culminates in a strange but familiar place. This practice has been invaluable for maintaining an overall stability and sense of control, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic.