Camille Hoffman
Region: Northeast
City / State: New Haven, CT
Investigating the materials of a mythical future, I follow the shifting
identities and elusive memories of a remaining generation of
humans. Although this future will contain the immanent presence
of ancestors, these humans will have to revive and reinvent the
rituals forgotten in the most recent spiritual apocalypse in order to
prevail. In this time, displaced histories, cultures, and materials—
plastic, print, pencil, and paint—will be diligently reconfigured to
hybridize new connections to the powerful ancestors residing in
the stars. Survival depends on reclaiming this communication
through a momentous weaving that directs their passage
through nine antinomic realms: Flesh, Stone/Mortar/Fire, Dead
Trees, Plateaus, Folding Time, Warp and Weft, Blue Fog, Glass/
Transparent Gate, and Stars.