Anna Bogatin
Region: Northeast
City / State: Philadelphia, PA
Through my work I explore the ideas of beauty, order, and harmony
that exist within nature as well as the eternal human longing for
freedom and happiness. Buddhism and the aesthetic philosophy
Wabi Sabi, which focuses on the transient and intimate beauty
found in nature and esteems the purity of natural imperfection,
have been an important influence for me.
In form and content my work follows in the footsteps of postwar
American painters such as Agnes Martin, Barnett Newman, and
Mark Tobey. Like them, I am concerned with the spiritual and the
unconscious in art and the expression of idealistic and emotional
subject matter through abstraction.
Working with the most basic elements—dots and lines—I have
developed a personal vocabulary to create an experience that is
universally familiar, pleasurable, and empowering. Each line is an
experience. Each dot is an event.