Alex Bradley Cohen
Region: Midwest
City / State: Chicago, IL
My art is an extension of myself. It is everything I see and feel in
the world. It is my play, it is my diary, it is my friend. It is a ritual
that is part of my existence.
My art is narrative. My art is abstract.
I go about making art the same way a kid would stroll through
the park. I collect visual objects, emotions, ideas, and feelings
throughout the day. With this collection of information, I begin to
create a narrative for the world around me.
I like working in water-based mediums, finding that accessible
materials bring me much pleasure. I like painting pictures of my
friends, family, sitcoms, and historical events. I also like drawing
and playing with ceramics. Through these mediums, I explore
abstraction. Abstraction allows for play as well as a new world my
narrations can exist in.