Lilli Carré
Region: Midwest
Through experimental animations, ceramics, comics, prints,
paintings, and drawings, I explore forms that stray from their
point of origin or intended state and morph into something new.
I actively follow the mistakes, mistranslations, and tangents
that inevitably present themselves as I work; the intersection of
humor and failure is at the heart of my practice. I translate the
sense of life, time, motion, and natural straying that occurs in
drawn animation into my work in other media.
I’m interested in the rules of cartoon logic and form, where the
world and body are always in flux or caught in a repeating cycle. In
classic character animation, figures loop and gyrate in a continual
state of metamorphosis; death is not an end or even a possibility,
but simply a humorous turning point. The drawn lines themselves
are alive and vibrating. I attempt to imbue static forms with
this same vibration and a sense of time, while playing with our
instinct to anthropomorphize unrecognized forms as a way of
understanding them.