Michael Hunter
Region: MFA Annual
The shorthand gestures in my recent paintings are repeated
over and over, filling in space, filling time. The phrase “giving
way” comes to mind. To give way is to collapse, to make a space
for, to open up. Yet to collapse is not always destructive; things
collapse into one another to create a new, previously unknown
thing. I think about writing giving way to gesture, gestures giving
way to space, spaces giving way to other yet-to-be-known forms.
Dead air around a letterform, supporting yet also defining. Words
function as an abstract. Letters merge and collapse into new
words, new forms. Returning to the symbolic, these new forms
build up into structures. Language in this way both loosens and
loses meaning. Words urge a sound, which is itself an abstract
effort. These sounds are slowed and stuttered as they move
toward the unknown in an effort to un-know.