Scott Grow
Region: MFA Annual
The artist Isamu Noguchi once stated, “You can find out how to do
something and then do it or do something and find out what you
did.” It is this philosophy that drives my studio practice.
I have long been fascinated by process, experimentation with
material, and contemplation of space, form, and the refraction
of light and color across a surface. Through a multilayered
application of paints, pigments, and resin, I create not only an
illusionistic space but a physical depth into which to delve. The
materials are often pushed, pulled, poured, splattered, and
sprayed. Looking, searching, until a moment arrives when the
work begins to take form. The process of making these works
is an exploration in and of itself, one without predetermined
destination. My hope is to encapsulate an essence of nature, the
alchemical wonder of natural phenomena, through the mediums
of painting and sculpture.