Kristin Frost
I feel connected to the moments of my life that have left imprints
in my mind, traces of events, objects, and thoughts that are still
thick with color, energy, and purpose. My work takes on many
forms, visually combining images from the present and the past.
I compare what is remembered and forgotten in the everyday.
Singular images hint at a possibility of narrative, but they are
hazy, obscure, emerging from the organic energy of watercolor
and oil paint.
Through the repeated reworking and reusing of images, I remake
my own history and experience into a more tangible version
of reality. Each piece is a collective response to then, here, and
now. It is in the transitions, the lapses between ambiguity and
clarity, structure and fragility, that I reside, an observer of the
complexities of time and circumstance. I reclaim lost moments
by embracing their instability and letting them unravel in space.
The process of remembrance continues, as each idea or image is
morphed, changed, disregarded, and created anew.