Cary Reeder
Gallery Affiliations: Avis Frank Gallery
Region: West
City / State: Houston, TX
Untold stories and narratives veiled in the mundane are the basis
for my work. I anthropomorphize inanimate objects in the built and
natural environment. Old houses become repositories of secrets
and losses and carry the imprints of lives lived. Crepe myrtles,
with their twisting, limb-like branches, become a metaphor for
my hands and fingers, so critical to my life’s work. My process
often feels subliminal, with the reason for my creating a body of
work taking time to reveal itself.
My ongoing Neighborhood Series is inspired by the changes in my
rapidly gentrifying neighborhood near downtown Houston. While
my initial attraction to the 1920s bungalows was a hope for their
preservation, as I worked I realized that the series was instead
about loss and the secrets of home life that are hidden behind
drawn blinds and closed doors.
Underlying all of my work is the desire to create a mood and
atmosphere and a somewhat open slate that leaves the viewer
curious and questioning, compelled to fill in the missing details.