Chandler Wigton
I am always on the verge of some great discovery, yet the focal
point recedes into the distance or vanishes right before my eyes.
Mirages come together and dissipate cyclically, and forms are
never locked in time. There is an intense desire for things that are
utterly unattainable. I am able to explore these faraway places in
time and space through pathways of the mind that interconnect
and fold on top of each other like the labyrinths of the inner ear,
where distant echoes are converted into elaborate texts and
indecipherable codes.
Immediacy and refinement, complexity and simplicity—these are
points of fluctuation in my process. I am interested in the emotive
qualities of color, the musical and rhythmic qualities of line, and
the idea of synesthesia. My current work is an effort to root myself
in the universe.