NAP #101 Sneak Peek
Within the next few weeks the Midwest issue of New American Paintings, #101, will be received by subscribers and newsstands across the country. Publisher/Editor, Steven Zevitas, remarks in his Editor's note, "I have a feeling that this issue of New American Paintings might be a bit provocative to a portion of our readership on account of the ways it pushes the idea of what constitutes a 'painting.'" Juror, Lisa D. Freiman, Senior Curator and Chair of the Department of Contemporary Art, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, IN, mentions in her essay that, "Most of the works by Midwest artists chosen...challenge traditional definitions of painting or sculpture and instead explore a hybrid state that incorporates aspects of both..." We hope you will pick-up a copy and let us know what you think!
You can order this back-issue online or by calling 617-778-5265 x0
After the jump see a full list of the artists selected for the NAP #101, and a few sneak peek photographs of the issue. Enjoy!
Selected Artists, NAP #101, Midwest Issue
Robert J. Bingaman
Samantha Bittman
Loretta Bourque
Terrence Campagna
Todd Chilton
Ryan T. Christian
Mary F. Coats
Joey Cocciardi
Douglas Degges
Gregory Euclide
Katie Fisher
Deirdre A. Fox
Jonathan Gardner
Zachary Harvey
Andrew Hendrixson
Maxon Higbee
Peregrine Honig
Nick Howard
Richard Hull
Shana Kaplow
Andrew Kaufman
Amy Kligman
Aaron Koehn
Mary Laube
Colin Matthes
Nicole Mauser
Renee McGinnis
Greg Murr
Rachel Niffenegger
Garry Noland
Lorri Ott
Jehra Patrick
Lee Piechocki
Gabriel Pionkowski
Justin Quinn
Tim Ripley
Andrew Jacob Schell
Maxwell Stolkin
Megan Stroech
Carolyn Swiszcz
*New American Paintings would like to apologize for a printed error in issue #101 which stated that Garry Noland had a solo exhibition at the Nelson-Atkins Museum in 2010. This was an internal error and should not have been listed on his resume. Further, we would like to point out that Mr. Noland received a BA from the University of Missouri, not a BFA.