Tunji Adeniyi-Jones
Region: MFA Annual
My work addresses the ancient history and mythology of West
Africa. The characters I present are fictional propositions inspired
by what existed in the past. I am interested in the venerable
traditions, philosophies, and aesthetics that still permeate and
inform African culture today. I find it important to highlight the
rich color and substance of ancient West African kingdoms that
both dwarfed and predated the Greek and Roman empires. I
consider the body as a site for cultural expression and symbolism,
and I am drawn to the expansive histories surrounding figuration.
My paintings focus on gestures of physical performance. The
characters, which are often brightly colored and androgynous,
hold elaborate and suggestive poses. Allowing this body language
to be the primary vehicle for my narrative, I hope to address the
body in a manner that is unique and progressive.