Thomas Spoerndle
Region: Northeast
City / State: Brooklyn, NY
Part of an artist’s focus is the exploration of individual parts in
relation to a whole. To address this, I have established a basic
abstract visual language of systems and structures I apply in
each painting. In this body of work, gridded layers of colors and
shapes are interwoven to create a dual experience, one that
fluctuates between the definition of forms in pictorial space
and the reinforcement of the inherent flatness of the layers.
When separated, each layer represents one of many possible
modulations within my visual language. Taken together, they
form an unreal but definite space, a unique expression defined
by its internal relationships. As a whole, the work functions as an
interface, positioning the viewer as maker. In this role, viewers’
comprehension of the work allows them to simultaneously
deconstruct and reconstruct what lies in front of them, thus
engaging one of my fundamental subjects—the act of looking.