Susie Taylor
My work explores geometric abstraction through the medium of
weaving, which requires a creative and technical mindset to solve
visual and structural puzzles. Unlike painting, where pigments
are applied to the surface of a canvas, weaving brings visual (and
dimensional) elements to life imbedded in the very structure of
the cloth.
Using an intuitive sense of geometry, I compose using basic
shapes such as blocks and lines that are held together by and
generate from a physical grid. Images surface when colored yarns
cross over and under each other, resulting in discernible tones
that mix in the eye. Working this way presents unique limitations
but also allows for unique possibilities to explore translucency,
opacity, saturation, dimension, and texture.
Through a formalistic lens, my work addresses pattern,
symmetry, color interaction, and the notion that ordered systems
can still flirt with chaos and improvisation.