Subarna Talukder Bose
Region: Pacific Coast
City / State: Portland, OR
My paintings contemplate the microcosm in the macrocosm—
human circumstances within the cosmic cycle. While the
cosmos embraces diversity, we humans react to diversity with
discrimination. I explore the constant interplay of these opposing
stances. I try to capture the concepts of race, color, and identity
as created by humans and consider where they belong in relation
to the vast universe around us. The instinct to paint the subject
also reflects my attempt to find my own place and deconstruct
my own being.
The variation in pattern in my paintings depicts the diversity that
we all are part of; the patterns fuse to express something larger,
a system. Humans are part of this system, taking a certain shape
and form, but fundamentally representing a force or energy.
For the patterns, I draw inspiration from Mughal and Hindu
architecture and Indian miniature paintings, which I have grown
up seeing and admiring.