Stephen Wright
These paintings are based on things I’ve been collecting for
some time: quirky items that range in theme from science fiction
and industrial production to vintage kitsch, as well as objects
from my childhood. On some level, they all speak to me as
something I want to have around me.
The scale of these paintings is modest and intimate. I try not
to be grandiose or profound in any overt way, but instead start
with something relatively absurd and legitimize it—caring for
it, in a way—by finding in it what is intrinsically interesting and
meaningful. Part of the fun is finding the appropriate object to
paint and discovering its character: Is it funny or serious? Lonely
or lofty? Often, in isolation, the thing possesses a feeling of
gravitas. In the end, if the painting makes me smile, or I sense
that I’ve caught some aspect of myself in it, I feel I did a good job.