Sophia Anthony
Region: West
My current work depicts figures set amidst uncertain atmospheres and architectures in tightly constructed paintings. I draw upon a variety of sources, from poetry and literature to found images, film stills, observational drawing, and art history. Synthesizing these references, I construct my paintings into horizontal, mid-shot compositions that frame the figures as characters moving through fictive spaces, from quiet domestic interiors to unknown domains.
I am interested in using a variety of painting styles within a single painting to heighten the ambiguity and psychological tension of the scene and to complicate the figure–ground relationship. Painstaking details in clothing and hair will appear next to expressive marks that describe motion or atmosphere, while architectural motifs are often rendered to the point of geometric abstraction. The multiplicity of my painting practice underscores the emotions of the figures and creates a sense of spatial and psychological interiority, while also suggesting that these narratives are open to multiple interpretations.