Scott Greene
Gallery Affiliations: Catherine Clark Gallery
Region: West
I think all art is political to some extent, another way of lobbying
for ideas, images, and effects. I confess to my romantic afflictions,
and like the dual-faced Greek god Janus, I look to the past for
clues to the present. Whatever impact tradition has on the style
of my work, which can be significant at times, there is something
more passionate driving the process: a desire for content,
connection, and realization. Otherwise, what’s the point?
I’m looking for beauty in unlikely contexts—the sublime in a
landfill—because it’s increasingly hard to find. The often-uneasy
relationship between nature and technology serves as a point
of departure for ideas that develop during my painting process.
Despite the obsolescence of elaborate communication systems
unable to communicate and the environmental degradation
following short-term profit benefiting the few, I take myself
seriously in the absurdity of the contemporary moment.
Fortunately, however, to no avail.