Roscoe Hall
I create paintings that remix narratives expressed within and instilled throughout Black America. My work searches for truth within surface and questions the unexamined histories across media, ranging from pigments made from food, paper towels, denim, and burlap. Having been a working chef for decades, I have always melded that world with my artistic practice, due to the intent they share about research into what can build and sustain a community.
My work is for those who may not know how to talk about art in the ‘correct’ way. Though I am a self-taught painter, I find the most peace within my practice when it aids or helps further the progression of social issues and thought processes within the Southeast region where I live. My hope is that, eventually, when figurative art is produced by a Brown person, it can be viewed as just art, without the expectation to also be a statement of the past. That is one of the hardest achievements to progress. Consider my work as a nod to those I admire for knowing how to wait, to build a culture, and to never break that joy.