Renée Estée
To capture fragments, from here to there—a vibrant collection of figures—a poetic rumination—year after year, into the hundreds of years—all of our worlds (the journey through and beyond)—how does it feel to exist in a space that hits pause? (like living in a memory)—the horizon line; a golden cliffside; the river runs red; a desert burial; the sky awash with stars (two people embrace and remember)—where the world once was (a place for making noises)—unfolding narratives, multiple temporalities—color carries the mood, a shift in scale disorientates—one’s surrounding environment, imbued with fictive memoir—celebratory and sorrowful, a range of intensities—groups of figures, in crisis and in harmony—a nostalgia for the imagined—the sublime sentiment; psychic terrains; a ghostly dimension of the present—a landscape that stretches on and on and on—places and stories, lived and mythologized—layered surfaces revealing histories—vanished into an endlessness, a space in-between—a love letter, an elegy—drifting light—“these immortal souls” (an epitaph engraved on a flower)