Raychael Stine
Yows and Jammers are representations of wacky wild dogs.
They are sometimes goofy and clumsy, sometimes bashful,
sometimes ravenous, and they rise up out of spastic, active
paint. Vision paintings are representations without the presumed
subject (dogs, objects, pictures); they are pictures of distilled
sensate experiences. They have a diffused, out-of-focus
background, and foreground sharpness as a direct nod to the
processes of vision. There is room between the background and
foreground, and I am interested in this transitional transformative
space. I collect and then apply impastoed, emphatic swoops
of paint to the surface of the painted image. The swoops come
from palettes I’ve mixed to create other images and paintings
(flowers, dogs, hummingbirds, rainbows).
Vision paintings embody a shift from referencing visual
phenomena to suggesting spiritual visions, dream spaces. and
the possibility of apparitions. My works often include what I call
a Hat, a small painting or postcard that has made its way into
the work by proximity or formal likeness, or as a marker for a
synchronistic experience or reference.