Paul J. Theriault
Region: Northeast
City / State: New Haven, CT
Recently, it has been my practice to begin paintings by applying
oil paint directly to a scanner bed. The underside of the glass is
scanned and imported into my computer. After this initial scan,
the painted scanner is itself scanned by an additional device
mounted atop the original. Using digital imaging software, I then
merge these two files (the relief of the exposed paint and the
flattened underside of the glass bed).
This process allows for freedom from the datum and pixels
associated with digital art, while remaining close to the
machine. In addition to the scanner paintings, I also work with
digitally constructed imagery exported from my computer as
large scale inkjet prints. The prints are either large-format or
stitched together from smaller individual prints. These images
are frequently subjected to various surface applications—
collage, grounding mediums, urethane, wax, and, in more recent
instances, paint. The finished works are digital in their initial
conception, yet plastically manipulated.