Parker Seward
Region: West
City / State: Florence, AL
As an artist with a longtime interest in street art and public
design, I see this series, Living Ghosts, as a natural progression.
Standing as one of the most culturally honest methods of creating
an intimate and personal identity, this form of art was born of
those who possessed no other means of expression, and is often
created as a momentary way of dealing with one’s own reality.
It provides a voice to those who feel the need to be heard, to
proclaim “I am here.”
As an extension of these two art forms, the work I create
combines elements from both in a way that allows letterforms
to become abstract, transcending their typographical existence
to become what appears to be a three-dimensional object. The
object is then able to interact with the space of its environment,
and, though created on a two-dimensional surface, it now exists
in a fabricated reality that not only gives it literal depth but also
life and self-assertion.