Nikki Maloof
Gallery Affiliations: Jack Hanley Gallery
Region: Northeast
Imagined portraits, landscapes, and animals become proxies
for human emotions. Nikki Maloof’s subjects convey existential
loneliness that is buoyed by humor, capricious paint handling, and
the use of a saturated palette. A squiggle in a cloud, a drooping,
cartoonish flower, or a comically disillusioned tiger draw the
viewer’s attention to the melancholic tone of the imagery while
simultaneously undermining it. This self-defeating melodrama
points to an ambivalent view of the world, to a need to laugh and
cry at once.
Maloof looks to nature when starting these semi-narrative
paintings, but upsets familiarity and dodges cliché by treating
areas of the canvas disparately and allowing competing textures
to exist side by side. The paintings begin simply, often catalyzed
by a basic formal painting idea that can manifest in a specific
person, animal, color, or brushstroke.
Each painting is usually executed in a single sitting with as much
intensity as possible in order to preserve the energy of making.
Brushstrokes record impulsive decisions, acting as evidence of an
ineffectual yet poignant attempt to assert one’s place in the world.